
  Ph.D., Ankara University (Clinical Psychology), Present

  M.S., Middle East Technical University (Clinical Psychology), 2019

  B.S., Middle East Technical University, 2016

Research Areas

Cumulative trauma, post traumatic stress ve growth, loss, mourning, schema therapy.

Master Thesis

Psychometric Properties of the cumulative trauma scale: Evaluation of the validity and reliability in a Turkish sample (2019). Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nuray Karancı.

International Publications

Erden, G., Özdoğru, A.A., Çoksan, S., Ögel-Balaban, H., Azak, Y., Altınoğlu-Dikmeer, İ., Ergül-Topçu, A., Yasak, Y., Kıral-Uçar, G., Oktay, S., Karaca-Dinç, P., Merdan-Yıldız, E. D., Eltan, S., Kumpasoğlu, G. B., & Baytemir, G. (2021). Social Contact, Academic Satisfaction, COVID-19 Knowledge, and Subjective Well-being Among Students at Turkish Universities: A Nine-University Sample. Applied Research Quality Life.

Kumpasoğlu, G. B., Eltan, S., Merdan-Yıldız E. D., & Durak Batıgün, A. (2021). Mediating role of life satisfaction and death anxiety in the relationship between dark triad and social media addiction. Personality and Individual Differences, 172. 

National Publications

Eltan, S. ve Karancı, A. N. (2022). Birikimli Travma Ölçeği Kısa Formu: Psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi (Cumulative Trauma Scale-Short Form: Examination of psychometric properties). Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 6(1), 69-93.

Eltan, S., Merdan-Yıldız, E. D., Kumpasoğlu, G. B. ve Erden, G. (2021). Yaygın yeme bozukluklarında aile odaklı ve farkındalık temelli terapiler ile diyalektik davranış terapisi (Family-based therapies, mindfulness-based therapies and dialectical behavior therapy in common eating disorders). Nesne, 9(20), 433-451. doi:10.7816/nesne-09-20-13

Merdan-Yıldız, E. D., Kumpasoğlu, G. B., Eltan, S. ve Tutarel-Kışlak, Ş. (2021). Çocuk ve ergenlerde EMDR: Travma sonrası stres bozukluğu tedavisindeki etkililiği üzerine bir derleme (EMDR in children and adolescents: A review about its effectiveness in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder). Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi, 5(2), 213-228.

Last Updated:
19/02/2025 - 13:17