Aşağıdaki müfredat, bölümümüze 2020-2021 senesinden itibaren kayıt olan öğrenciler için geçerli olacaktır.

Birinci Sene

1. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
PSY1011 Fundamentals of Psychology I 3 (6 ECTS)
SOC 109 Introduction to Sociology 3 (5 ECTS)
BIO106 General Biology 3 (5 ECTS)
(From Philosophy) 3 (5 ECTS)
ENG101 English for Academic Purposes I 4 (6 ECTS)
TURK101 Turkish I 0 (2 ECTS)
16 Kredi (29 ECTS)
2. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
PSY1012 Fundamentals of Psychology II 3 (6 ECTS)
Ethics in Research and Practice of Psychology 3 (6 ECTS)
3 (5 ECTS)
(From Econ/Math/Science/Engineering) 3 (5 ECTS)
ENG102 English for Academic Purposes II 4 (6 ECTS)
TURK102 Turkish II 0 (2 ECTS)
IS100 Intro. to Info. Technologies and Applications 0 (1 ECTS)
BA100 Career Planning 0 (2 ECTS)
16 Kredi (33 ECTS)
*This non-dept course needs to be taken from one of the following departments: ECON / MATH / PHYSICS / CHEMISTRY / BIOLOGY / MOLECULAR BIOLOGY / ENGINEERING departments. Some semesters a relevant course is offered by one of these departments specifically for the Psychology Department. Chech with your advisor.

İkinci Sene

3. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
PSY2101 Research Methods in Psychology 4; 3-2 (7 ECTS)
PSY2102 Statistics for Psychology 4; 3-2 (7 ECTS)
Restricted 1 22xx, 32xx, 42xx 3 (7 ECTS)
ENG211 Academic Oral Presentation Skills  3 (4 ECTS)
HIST2101 Principles of Kemal Atatürk I 0 (2 ECTS)
4. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
PSY2301 Developmental Psychology  3 (6 ECTS)
PSY2401 Social Psychology 3 (6 ECTS)
Restricted 1 22xx, 32xx, 42xx 3 (7 ECTS)
Restricted 1 22xx, 32xx, 42xx 3 (7 ECTS)
Non-Departmental 3 (5 ECTS)
HIST2102 Principles of Kemal Atatürk II 0 (2 ECTS)
15 Kredi (27 ECTS)

Üçüncü Sene

5. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
PSY3101 Testing and Measurement 4; 3-2 (7 ECTS)
PSY3501 Psychopathology 3 (6 ECTS)
Restricted 2 33xx, 34xx, 43xx, 44xx 3 (7 ECTS)
Restricted 4 36xx, 37xx, 46xx, 47xx 3 (7 ECTS)
Free Elective 3 (5 ECTS)
16 Kredi (32 ECTS)
6. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
Restricted 2 33xx, 34xx, 43xx, 44xx 3 (7 ECTS)
Restricted 3 35xx, 38xx, 45xx, 48xx 3 (7 ECTS)
Restricted 5 35xx, 36xx, 37xx, 38xx, 45xx, 46xx, 47xx, 48xx 3 (7 ECTS)
ENG 311 or Free Elective 3 (4 ECTS)
Non-Departmental  3 (5 ECTS)
15 Kredi (30 ECTS)

Dördüncü Sene

7. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
PSY4090 Summer Practice 0 (10 ECTS)
Departmental Elective 3 (7 ECTS)
Departmental Elective 3 (7 ECTS)
Free Elective 3 (5 ECTS)
Non-Departmental Elective 3 (5 ECTS)
12 Kredi (34 ECTS)
8. Dönem
Ders Kodu Dersin Adı Kredisi
Departmental Elective   3 (7 ECTS)
Departmental Elective   3 (7 ECTS)
Departmental Elective   3 (7 ECTS)
Free Elective 3 (5 ECTS)
12 Kredi (26 ECTS)

1Free Elective: A departmental or non-departmental elective course.

(1Serbest Seçmeli: Alan içi veya alan dışı seçmeli ders.)

2Departmental Elective: An elective from any Restricted Groups (1-5) or the courses identified under the Departmental elective list.

(2Alan İçi Seçmeli: Zorunlu ders gruplarında (1-5) ve bölüm seçmeli derslerinde listelenen dersleri kapsamaktadır.)

Zorunlu Grup Dersleri

Zorunlu 1: Deneysel

2332201              Learning

2332202              Perception

2332203              Cognition

2333201              Biological Psychology

2333202              Psychoacoustics

2333203              Speech Perception

2333204              Auditory Perception

2333250-9           Topics in Experimental Psychology*

2334201              Memory

2334202              Psychopharmacology

2334203              Computational Models of Human Memory

2334204              Introduction to Cognitive Science

2334250-9           Topics in Experimental Psychology

2334205              Perceptual Illusions

Zorunlu 2: Sosyal/Gelişimsel

2333301              Adolescence and Adult Development

2333302              Cognitive Development

2333401              Selected Topics in Social Psychology

2333402              Culture and Psychology

2333403              The Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior

2333404              Culture and Relationships

2333350-9           Topics in Developmental Psychology*

2333450-9           Topics in Social Psychology

2334010              Issues in Contemporary Psychology

2334301              Developmental Psychopathology

2334302              Human Bonding

2334303              Language Acquisition & Development

2334304              Applied Developmental Psychology

2334350-9           Topics in Developmental Psychology*

2334401              Social Identity and Intergroup Relations

2334402              Applied Social Psychology

2334404              Psychology of Gender

2334405              Psychology of the Self and Attachment

2334406              Political Psychology

2334407              Social Psychological View of Media

2334450-9           Topics in Social Psychology

2333603               Personality in Social and Work Psychology

Zorunlu 3: Klinik/Sağlık

2332501              Coping With Stress

2332502              Freud: Development of Psychoanalysis

2333502              Theories of Personality

2333503              Emotion

2333504              Clinical Interview Skills

2333505              Addiction: Psychoanalytic Approach

2333506              Portrayal of Mental Illness in Movies

2333550-9           Topics in Clinical Psychology

2333850-9           Topics in Health Psychology*

2334501              Clinical Psychology

2334502              Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Basic Concepts

2334503              Theories of Psychotherapy

2334504              Analyzing Cinematic Characters

2334505              Family Therapy Approaches

2334506              Methods of Family Therapy

2334507              Psychology of Disasters

2334508              Intelligence Testing

2334550-9           Topics in Clinical Psychology

2334510               Trauma Psychology

2334801              Health Psychology

2334802              Applied Health Psychology

2334850-9           Topics in Health Psychology*

Zorunlu 4: İş/Trafik

2333601              Industrial Psychology

2333602              Organizational Psychology

2333650-9           Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology*

2333603              Personality in Social and Work Psychology

2333701              Introduction to Traffic Psychology

2333750-9           Topics in Traffic and Transportation Psychology*

2334010              Issues in Contemporary Psychology

2334601              Gender and Leadership Issues at Work

2334650-9           Topics in I/O Psychology


2334701              Research in Traffic and Transportation Psychology

2334702              Cultures, Organizations and Safety

2334750-9           Topics in Traffic and Transportation Psychology*

Zorunlu 5: Klinik/Sağlık/İş/Trafik

2332501              Coping With Stress

2332502              Freud: Development of Psychoanalysis

2333502              Theories of Personality

2333503              Emotion

2333504              Clinical Interview Skills

2333505              Addiction: Psychoanalytic Approach

2333506              Portrayal of Mental Illness in Movies

2333550-9           Topics in Clinical Psychology


2333850-9           Topics in Health Psychology*

2334501              Clinical Psychology

2334502              Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Basic Concepts

2334503              Theories of Psychotherapy

2334504              Analyzing Cinematic Characters

2334505              Family Therapy Approaches

2334506              Methods of Family Therapy

2334507              Psychology of Disasters

2334508              Intelligence Testing

2334550-9           Topics in Clinical Psychology

2334510              Trauma Psychology 

2334801              Health Psychology

2334802              Applied Health Psychology

2334850-9           Topics in Health Psychology*

2333011              Culture and Psychology

2334010              Issues in Contemporary Psychology

2333601              Industrial Psychology

2333602              Organizational Psychology

2333650-9           Topics in Industrial and Organizational Psychology*

2333603               Personality in Social and Work Psychology

2333701              Introduction to Traffic Psychology

2333750-9           Topics in Traffic and Transportation Psychology*

2334601              Gender and Leadership Issues at Work

2334650-9           Topics in I/O Psychology

2334701              Research in Traffic and Transportation Psychology

2334702              Cultures, Organizations and Safety

2334750-9           Topics in Traffic and Transportation Psychology*

Bölüm Seçmelileri

Zorunlu 1-5 altında verilen derslerin aynı zamanda bölüm seçmeli dersi olarak alınabilir. Ek olarak aşağıdaki dersler de bölüm seçmeli dersi olarak alınabilir.

2333102              Experimental Design and Analysis

2333150-9           Topics in Quantitative Methods and Statistics

2334010              Issues in Contemporary Psychology

2334901              Community Psychology

2334101              Introduction to Open Science


2333190-9           Workshop in Quantitative Psychology*

2333290-9           Workshop in Experimental Psychology

2333390-9           Workshop in Developmental Psychology

2333490-9           Workshop in Social Psychology

2333590-9           Workshop in Clinical Psychology

2333690-9           Workshop in I/O Psychology

2333790-9           Workshop in Traffic Psychology

2333890-9           Workshop in Health Psychology

2334290-9           Workshop in Experimental Psychology

2334390-9           Workshop in Developmental Psychology*

2334490-9           Workshop in Social Psychology*

2334590-9           Workshop in Clinical Psychology*

2334690-9           Workshop in I/O Psychology*

2334790-9           Workshop in Traffic Psychology*

2334890-9           Workshop in Health Psychology*

2334280-9           Field Practice in Experimental Psychology

2334380-9           Field Practice in Developmental Psychology

2334480-9           Field Practice in Social Psychology

2334580-9           Field Practice in Clinical Psychology

2334680-9           Field Practice in I/O Psychology

2334780-9           Field Practice in Traffic Psychology

2334880-9           Field Practice in Health Psychology


* Belirtilen kod aralığında henüz tüm dersler açılmamıştır.