

   Ph.D., Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Psikoloji - Devam ediyor

   M.S., Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Genel (Sosyal) Psikoloji - 2021

   B.S., Ege Üniversitesi, Psikoloji - 2017

Research Areas

Gruplararası ilişkiler, kolektif eylem, aktivizm, sosyal kimlik, toplumsal cinsiyet.


Kanık, B., Uluğ, Ö. M., Solak, N., & Chayinska, M. (2022). “Let the strongest survive”: Ageism and social Darwinism as barriers to supporting policies to benefit older individuals. Journal of Social Issues. Advance online publication.

Odağ, Ö., Uluğ, Ö. M., Kanık, B., & Maganic, M. (2022). Exploring the context-sensitivity of collective action motivations and the mobilizing role of social media: A comparative interview study with activists in Germany and Turkey. Political Psychology. Advance online publication.

Uysal, M. S., Uluğ, Ö. M., Kanık, B., & Aydemir, A. (2022). “The liberation of LGBTQ+ will liberate heterosexuals”: Predictors of heterosexual feminist women's participation in solidarity-based collective action for LGBTQ+ rights. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 377-390.

Uluğ, Ö. M., Solak, N., & Kanık, B. (2022). Shared humanity, awareness of socio-economic privilege, and classism during the pandemic as predictors of supporting equal socio-economic policies. Current Psychology, 41(10), 7416-7428.

Uluğ, Ö. M., Acar, Y. G., & Kanık, B. (2021). Reflecting on research: Researcher identity in conflict studies from the perspectives of participants. European Journal of Social Psychology51(6), 847-861.

Chayinska, M., Uluğ, Ö. M., Solak, N., Kanık, B., & Çuvaş, B. (2021). Obstacles to birth surname retention upon marriage: How do hostile sexism and system justification predict support for marital surname change among women? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 702553.

Uluğ, Ö. M., Acar, Y. G., & Kanık, B. (under review). “I vote because it is better than doing nothing”: Examining voting and protest as an expression of dissent and their efficacy in risky contexts. Political Psychology.

Book Chapters

Kanık, B., Solak, N., & Uluğ, Ö. M. (2020). Koronavirüs pandemisi sürecinde sosyo-ekonomik düzeyin ve ekonomik kaygıların psikolojik iyi oluştaki rolü [The role of socio-economic status and anxiety for economic conditions in psychological well-being during the coronavirus pandemic]. In C. Ş. Çukur Yalçınkaya & Ö. Alkar (Eds.), Pandemi Psikolojisi (pp. 51-58). Türkiye Klinikleri. 

Conference Presentations

Kanık, B., Uluğ, Ö. M., Solak, N., & Chayinska, M. (2021). “Why Worry? The Virus is Just Going to Affect the Old Folks”: Ageism and Social Darwinism as Barriers to Supporting Pro-elderly Policies [Oral Presentation]. The British Psychology Society, Social Psychology Section, Annual Conference. 25-27 August, Virtual Conference.

Last Updated:
29/09/2022 - 12:28