Addiction risk, refugees, child labor, environment, disadvantaged groups.
- Tekeli, M.R., & Yıldırım, E. (Under review). Understanding the double standards in migration: An intersectional examination. Manuscript in Preparation.
- Tekeli, M.R., Erdem, A., & Yeniçeri Kökdemir, Z. (Under review). I'm sexist, no way! Examining 2023 Turkish elections in terms of sexism and system legitimization. Manuscript in Preparation.
- Tekeli, M.R., Polat, H., & Arıkan, Z., & Bauer, C. (Under review). Beyond Addiction: Understanding Employment Dynamics in the Context of Substance Use Disorder. Manuscript in Preparation.
- Bulut, M.B., Tanrıverdi, O., Tekeli, M.R., Yıldızeli, N., Ünal, N.N., & Çolak, C. (Accepted). Unveiling the Hushed Rebellion! Exploring the Concept of Quiet Quitting in the Modern Workplace: Development and Validation of Quiet Quitting Scale. Manuscript in Press.
- Polat, H., Kök, B., Tekeli, M. R. (2019). 12-18 Yaş Arası Çocuklarda Sorunlu İnternet Kullanımı. Bağımlılık Dergisi [English Translation: Problematic Internet Use in Children Between Ages of 12-18], 20 (2), 61-71. Retrieved from Http://
- Tekeli, M. R. (2023). Creating a Map of Addiction Risk in Refugees and Building a Model Prevention Program for Solution. [Oral Presentation]. The Migration Conference. Hamburg, Germany.
- Tekeli, M. R. (2023). Standing for Others: A Qualitative Study on Motivators and Demotivators of Volunteering. [Poster Presentation]. Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) 2023 Annual Convention. Washington, USA.
- Tekeli, M. R. (2022). A Comprehensive Investigation on a New Addition Type: Antibiotic Usage in Türkiye. [Oral Presentation]. 21st Natıonal Congress of Psychology (UPK). İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Tekeli, M. R., Polat, H., & Kök, B. (2021). Problematic Internet Use in Children Between Ages of 12-18 [Oral Presentation]. 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Prague, Czech Republic.
- Çınar, P. F. & Tekeli, M. R. The Effects of Perceived Social Supports on Female's Depression Levels [Poster Presentation]. 32nd International Congress of Psychology (ICP). Prague, Czech Republic.