
  Ph.D., Ball State University, 2007; Counseling Psychology.

  M.S., Ball State University, 2000; Clinical Psychology.

  B.S., Middle East Technical University, 1998; Psychology.

Research Areas

Cross-cultural psychopathology, cross-cultural equivalence, Turkish indigenous healing methods, multicultural psychotherapy, microaggressions, and discrimination.


Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Çiftçi, A., & Bulgan, G. (2013). Visiting Shrines: A Turkish religious practice and its mental health implications. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 35, 16-32.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Cui, Y., & Lauridsen, E. (2011). Cross-Cultural Validation of Beck Depression Inventory-II across U.S. and Turkish samples. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 44, 77-91.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., & Ægisd?ttir, S. (2010). Somatic, affective and behavioral distress reactions across cultures. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 32, 129-143.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., & Yohani, S. (2010). Cindy Horst, Transnational Nomads: How Somalis cope with refugee life in the Dabaad Camp of Kenya. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 11, 123-124.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Korkut-Owen, F., & Çiftçi, A. (2009). Counseling in Turkey: A blend of western science and eastern tradition. In L. H. Gerstein, P. P. Heppner, S. Ægisd?ttir, S. A. Leung, & K. L. Norsworthy (Eds.), International handbook of cross-cultural counseling: Cultural assumptions and practices worldwide (pp. 475-485) (recipient of APA Ursula Gielen Book Award). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Ægisd?ttir, S., Gerstein, L., & Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2008). Methodological issues in cross-cultural counseling research: Equivalence, bias and translations. The Counseling Psychologist, 36, 188-219.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., & Vigil, P. (2008). Sue, Derald Wing. In F. T. L. Leong (Series Ed.), E. Altmaier, & B. D. Johnson (Vol. Eds.), Encyclopedia of Counseling: Vol. 1. Changes and challenges for counseling in the 21st century (pp. 401-403). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Raney, S., & Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2005). Counseling in developing countries: Examples of Turkey and India. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27, 149-160.

Balogh, D. W., Kite, M., Pickel, K., Canel, D., & Schroeder, J. (2003). The effects of delayed report and motive for reporting on perceptions of sexual harassment. Sex Roles, 48, 337-349.

Conference Presentations

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Albayrak-Kaymak, D., & Sart, H. (2012). Engelli mi Engellenen mi?: Türkiye’de Engellilerin Karşılaştıkları Ayrımcı Tavır ve Davranışlar [Discriminatory attitudes and behaviors faced by people with disabilities in Turkey]. Poster presented at 17th National Psychology Conference, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2011). Visiting Shrines: A Turkish Religious Healing Practice. Invited presentation at 5th Psychology Seminar, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazi Mağusa, North Cyprus.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2009). Cross-cultural psychology and multicultural counseling. Paper presented at Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Research Day, Edmonton, Canada.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2009). Indigenous healing methods. Invited Guest Lecture at Purdue University, Department of Educational Studies, Counseling Psychology Doctoral Program. West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2009). Turkish indigenous healing methods: The practice of visiting sacred tombs. Poster presented at 5th Critical Multicultural and Diversity Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference, Toronto, Canada.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2009). Cross-cultural comparison of distress reactions. Poster presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Yohani, S., Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Brar, N., Lauridsen, E., & Flesaker, K. (2008). Violence within ethno-cultural communities: Barriers to disclosure and accessing services. Poster presented at Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Research Day, Edmonton, Canada.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2008). A cross-cultural study of somatization. Paper presented at Second International Conference on Special Education, Marmaris, Turkey.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., & Barazanji, D. (2008). Globalization and indigenization of counseling psychology around the world: Middle East. Roundtable presented at International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Çiftçi, A., & Korkut-Owen, F. (2008). International perspectives in counseling psychology: Counseling in Turkey. Paper presented at International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Shankar, J., & Roysircar-Sodowsky, G. (2006). Passage to Turkey and India. Roundtable presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans.

Chen, H. Y., Ægisd?ttir, S., & Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2006). International students’ coping strategies, adjustment, and help seeking attitudes. Poster presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans.

Ægisd?ttir, S., Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Alexander, S., Dhanbhoora, K., Shankar, J., & Raney, S. (2005). International and American doctoral students’ counseling self-efficacy and career goals. Poster presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.

Shankar, J., Dhanbhoora, K., Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Raney, S., Choi, S., Iwasaki, M., et al. (2004). Students’ sharing experiences: Research and practice in other countries. Roundtable presented at Great Lakes Conference, Counseling Psychology, Muncie, IN.

Ægisd?ttir, S., Brown, T., Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Dhanbhoora, K., Harris, K., Kruczek, T., et al. (2004). Got cultural sensitivity? Roundtable presented at Great Lakes Conference, Counseling Psychology, Muncie, IN.

Ægisd?ttir, S., Canel-Çınarbaş, D., Raney, S., Dhanbhoora, K., Shankar, J., & Alexander, S. (2004). International and U.S. doctoral students’ counseling self-efficacy and career goals. Poster presented at Great Lakes Conference, Counseling Psychology, Muncie, IN.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2003). Intergroup anxiety of International and African American students. Poster presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D. (2003). Psychology and counseling in Turkey. Paper presented at Great Lakes Conference, Counseling Psychology, Kalamazoo, MI. Canel-Çınarbaş, D., & Lee, M. L. (2003). Intergroup anxiety and intergroup contact. Poster presented at Great Lakes Conference, Counseling Psychology, Kalamazoo, MI.

Canel-Çınarbaş, D., & Norman, J. (2003). Retirement counseling. Poster presented at 49th Annual Kirkpatrick Memorial Conference on Aging, Muncie, IN.

Kite, M., Pickel, K., Balogh, D.W., Canel, D., & Schroeder, J. (2000). Judgments depend on when and why sexual harassment is reported. Paper presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.

Balogh, D. W., Pickel, K., Kite, M., Crainick, B., Schroeder, J., & Canel, D. (1999). The effects of delayed report on perceptions of sexual harassment. Paper presented at American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Boston.

Canel, D., Oğul, M., & Kökdemir, D. (1997). Attitudes towards psychologists and psychiatrists in Turkey. Paper presented at Turkish National Psychology Students Conference, Istanbul.

Kökdemir, D., Oğul, M., & Canel, D. (1997). Duties of psychologists and psychiatrists: From the lay people's perspective. Paper presented at 4th Social Psychiatry Symposium, Adana.

Last Updated:
26/01/2022 - 16:33