
  Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, University of New Hampshire, 2011.

  M.A. Developmental Psychology, University of New Hampshire, 2008.

  M.S., Social Psychology, Middle East Technical University, 2005.

  B.S., Middle East Technical University, 2002.

  Other affiliation: METU Gender and Women Studies

  Office Hours: Thursdays 1.00 p.m.

Research Interest

My research focuses on autobiographical memory development in cultural and familial contexts, and how this development changes as a factor of parents' and children's individual differences. I enjoy working with families and usually collect autobiographical memory narratives or conversations of dyads, triads, and quads from different generations of the same families.

My most recent studies concern memory talk in the family context, intra-familial similarities and cross-generational differences in autobiographical memories, dyadic, triadic, and quadratic parent-child memory conversations, functions of autobiographical memory, life-script and life-stories, earliest childhood memories, emotionally charged memories, emotion regulation, and effects of self-construals and gender on autobiographical memory development.

Finally, by the end of 2021, one of our projects has been funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK 1001 Project), within the scope of which we plan to examine the videos of mother-father-child triads' memory conversations and code for the nonverbal characteristics.

Please send your applications for summer intership to the following e-mail adress: Students who are admitted will be anounced at the end of May and should receive an e-mail.

Funded Projects

TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi: Anne, Baba ve Çocukların Oyunları ve Geçmişle İlgili Konuşmaları: Toplumsal Cinsiyetin ve Ebeveynlerin Cinsiyet İdeolojilerinin Etkileri (2021-2023)

TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 121K258, Duty: Principal Investigator, November 2021-Ongoing.

TÜBİTAK 1003 Projesi (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey; 118K033), Duty: Researcher. Jan 2020- Ongoing.

TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey; 120K385), Duty: Researcher. Jan 2020- Jan 2021. 

TÜBİTAK 1001 Projesi (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey; 113K542), Duty: Researcher. May 2014- May 2016.

ODTÜ Bilimsel Araştırmalar Projesi (BAP-08-11-2013-074), Görevi: Yürütücü. Dec 2013- Dec 2015.


Gulgoz, S. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2020). Autobiographical Memory Development: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367077884

Şahin-Acar, B. (2020). Otobiyografik Bellek Gelişiminde Kültürel, Ailesel ve Bireysel Özellikler. Gazi Kitabevi, Çankaya, Ankara ISBN 9786257911184 

  • Book Chapters

Sahin-Acar, B. & Elibol-Pekaslan, N. (2022). Content, Functions, and Cultural Bases of Parent-Child Memory Conversations. In Hilal H. Şen and Helaine Selin (Eds.) Childhood in Turkey: Sociological, Educational and Psychological Perspectives. Switzerland, Springer.

Bürümlü-Kısa, E., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2020). How did you feel back then? Emotional memory conversations among mother-father-child triads. In S. Gülgöz, & B. Sahin-Acar (Eds.). Autobiographical memory development: Theoretical and methodological approaches. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367077884

Sahin-Acar, B., & Leichtman, M.D. (2020). The role of cultural and individual factors in autobiographical memory development. In S. Gülgöz, & B. Sahin-Acar (Eds.). Autobiographical memory development: Theoretical and methodological approaches. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367077884

Sahin-Acar, B., & Gülgöz, S. (2020). Final discussion and looking forward. In S. Gülgöz, & B. Sahin-Acar (Eds.). Autobiographical memory development: Theoretical and methodological approaches. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780367077884

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Peer-Reviewed International Publications:

Alkis, A., İlgün, Y., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2024): Mother–child memory conversation and children's independent memory: the roles of maternal characteristics, Memory, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2024.2373897

Kara, D., Bauer, P.J., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2024). Young Adults' personal and relationship memories: Recollections of self, siblings, and family. Memory,

İplikçi, A. B., İlgun, Y., Memisoglu-Sanli, A., Aydoğdu Sözen, E., Sahin-Acar, B., Doğan, A., Tahiroglu, D., & Kazak Berument, S. (2024). Role of pandemic-related experiences and maternal psychological distress in maternal rejection. Family Relations.

Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Gönül, B., Işık, H., Türe, D., Abut, F.B., Kalkan-Inan, F.S., Kazak Berument, S., Dogan, A., Tahiroglu, D., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2023). How do mothers' pre-pandemic emotion regulation skills and pandemic-related anxiety predict their children's sadness regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic? Applied Developmental Science,

Gönül, B., Sahin-Acar, B., & Killen, M. (2023). Adolescents view social exclusion based on social class as more wrong than do children, Developmental Psychology, 59 (9), 1703-1715.

Gönül, B., Sahin-Acar, B., & Killen, M. (2023). Perceived Contact with Friends from Lower Socioeconomic Status Reduces Exclusion Based on Social Class. Developmental Science, p. 1-15, DOI: 10.1111/desc.13440

Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Gonul, B., Işık, H., Türe, D., Abut, F. B., Kalkan-Inan, F. S., Kazak Berument, S., Dogan, A., Tahiroglu, D., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2023). How do mothers' pre-pandemic emotion regulation skills and pandemic-related anxiety predict their children's sadness regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic? Applied Developmental Science, p. 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2023.2267444

Burumlu-Kısa, E., Ilgaz, H., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2023). Maternal Storytelling and Reminiscing Styles in relation to Preschoolers' Perspective-Taking Abilities, Cognitive Development, 66, p. 1-14,

Bakir-Demir, T., Reese, E., Sahin-Acar, B., & Taumoepeau, M. (2022). How I remember my mother’s story: A cross-national investigation of vicarious family stories in Turkey and New Zealand, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1-25.

Kara, D., Bauer, J.P., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2022). Transitions and transformations in sibling relationships: Characteristics of Turkish and US young adults’ sibling-related turning-point memories, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(2), 1-24,

Bakir-Demir, T., Reese, E., Sahin-Acar, B., & Tursel, E. G. (2021). Vicarious Family Stories of Turkish Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults: Are Family Stories Related to Well-Being? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 10(3), 412–424.

Alsancak-Akbulut, C., Sahin-Acar, B. & Sumer, N. (2021): Effect of video-feedback intervention on Turkish mothers' sensitivity and physical intrusiveness: a randomized control trial, Attachment & Human Development, 23(6), 795-813, DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2020.1753085

Bakir-Demir, T., Reese, E. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2020) How three generations narrate their vicarious family stories: intrafamilial similarities, gender and crossgenerational differences, Memory, 28:4, 553-566, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2020.1749282 

Sahin-Acar, B., Bahtiyar-Saygan, B., Alsancak-Akbulut, C., & Sagel-Cetiner, E. (2019). Reunion after a Long Day: Mother-Child Dyads' Unshared Memory Conversations, Cognitive Development, 52, 100822. 

Bakir-Demir, T., Kazak Berument, S., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2019). The relationship of greenery and self-regulation of children: The mediation role of nature connectedness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65 (2019),

Elibol-Pekaslan, N. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2018). The use of episodic and semantic memory systems in classroom context regarding time delay and college experience, Applied Cognitive Psychology, p. 1- 13.

Sahin-Acar, B. & Leichtman, M. (2018). Studying Mother-Child Conversations at Home in Three Cultures: Western Turkey, Eastern Turkey, and the USA. SAGE Research Methods Cases, 1-14,

Sahin-Acar, B., Bakir, T., & Kus, E. G. (2017). Intrafamilial Similarities and Cross-Generational Differences in the Earliest Childhood Memories of Daughters, Mothers, and Grandmothers. Memory, 25(8), 978-985.

Sahin-Acar, B., & Leichtman, M.D. (2015). Mother-child memory conversations and self-construal in Eastern Turkey, Western Turkey and the USA, Memory, Special Issue: Going Global: The Functions of Autobiographical Memory in Cultural Context, 23(1), 69-82, DOI:

Sahin, B., & Mebert, C. J. (2013). The role of culture and self-construal in autobiographical memories of US and Turkish college students. Memory, 21:8, 1004-1017, DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2013.774418.

  • Peer-Reviewed National Publications:

Alsancak-Akbulut, C., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Bayram-Gülaçtı, H. G., Sahin-Acar, B. (in press). Examination of emotion regulation in the family context: A mixed method study from Turkey. Klinik Psikoloji Dergisi.

Akay, N., & Şahin-Acar, B. Çocuk Bakıcısı ile Ailenin İlişkisi (2021). Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 24(47), 97-111.

Karagöbek, A. B. ve Şahin-Acar, B. (2019). Kim Ebeveyn? 12-Yaş Çocuklarının Ebeveynleşme Davranışlarını Yordayan Etkenler. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 34(84), 1-15. DOI: 10.31828/tpd1300443320180704m000007

Işık, H., Şahin-Acar, B., ve Özen-Çıplak, A. (2018). Anne-ergen çiftlerinin toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ile ilgili algısının içerik analizi. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 21(41), p. 41-56.

Gönül, B., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2018). Çocukların Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Sosyal Dahil Etme ve Dışlama Yargıları, Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 33(82), 67-80. DOI: 10.31828/tpd.13004433.2018.82.02.05,

Gönül, B., Işık-Baş, H., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2018). Aile İklimi Ölçeği'nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması ve Psikometrik Açıdan İncelenmesi. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 8(50), p. 165-200.

Gönül, B., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2018). Influence of Regional Perceptions and Children's Age on Their Social Judgments. Nesne, 6(13), 256-288. DOI: 10.7816/nesne-06-13-02,

Çalışkan-Sarı, A. & Şahin-Acar, B. (2018). Annenin Ebeveyn Tutumlarının ve Çocuğun Annesinin Tutumlarıyla İlgili Algısının Çocuğun Duygu Tanıma Becerilerindeki Rolü. Nesne, 6(12), p. 27-50. DOI: 10.7816/nesne-06-12-02

Bayram-Gülaçtı, H. G., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., and Şahin-Acar, B. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinin sünnet olma deneyimlerine dair otobiyografik anılarının içerik analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 56(1), p.355-373. DOI: 10.1501/Dtcfder_000000147


Şahin-Acar, B. & Türe, D. (2021). Language (Author: J. W. Santrock, 2014). A. Güre, (Ed.), Child Development (pp. 251-277). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. (Book Chapter Trans.).

Barnes, J. Güdülenmenin Biyopsikolojisi, Temel Biyolojik Psikoloji. Trans. Başak Şahin-Acar. Ed. Ahmet Altındağ. Sage, 2013.

Current and Former Graduate Students

  • Supervised Ph.D. Theses:

Gizem Çeviker (January, 2022). Emotionally Charged and Shared Memory Conversations of Mother-Child Dyads: The Role of Mothers' Early Maladaptive Schemas.

Didem Türe (July, 2021). Mother-Shaming Memories: The Role of Maternal Self-Discrepancy on Negative Emotions and Shaming Experiences of Mothers.

Demet Kara (January, 2021). Examining Autobiographical Memory Characteristics through Relationship Stories: The Role of Gender and Memory Type (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Patricia Bauer, Emory University, USA)

Buse Gönül (July, 2020). How children and their parents reason about inequalities and exclusion based on socioeconomic status: The roles of chindren's age, family socioeconomic background and exclusion context (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Melanie Killen, University of Maryland, USA)

Hatice Işık (July, 2020). Preschoolers' gender-typing of self and others in family context.

Fulya Kırımer (October, 2019). Investigating proactive and reactive sensitivity in adult romantic relationships from cultural perspective. (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nebi Sümer, Sabancı University, Turkey)

Nur Elibol-Pekaslan (September, 2019). Functions of autobiographical memory during mother-adolescent reminiscing and their relation to emotion regulation strategies. (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Michelle Leichtman, University of New Hampshire, USA)

İlker Dalğar (December, 2018). A relational approach to shame (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nebi Sümer, Sabancı University, Turkey)

  • Supervised and Completed Master's Theses:

Bahar Tümer (Feb, 2021). Qualitative Examinations of Paternal and Maternal Parenting Control in Early and Middle Childhood among Turkish Parents (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nebi Sümer, Sabancı University, Turkey)

Aysu Alkış (September, 2020). The Moderator Role of Maternal Attachment between Mothers' and Children's Elaborativeness in Mother-Child Reminiscing

Yagmur S. İlgün (August, 2020). The Roles of Maternal Elaborativeness and Self-Construal on Children's Memory Development: Independent Narrative Skills.

F. Kübra Aytaç (August, 2019). Cultural life script and personal life story events in Turkish cultural context.

Ceren Arslan (September, 2018). Who Was I, Who Will I Be? Comparing Self-Esteem Memories and Possible Selves.

İlknur Çoban (September, 2017). The Effect of Maternal Gatekeeping on Shared Past Conversations through Father Involvement (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument, METU, Turkey)

Bürümlü, E. (July, 2017). Family Conversations about Emotional Shared Past Events: The Triadic Examination of Mothers', Fathers' and Children's Memory Characteristic

Demirkan, E. (September, 2016). Interrogative Suggestibility of Preschool Children's Memory for Watched vs. Interacted Events. (Co-Advisor: Doç. Dr. Mine Mısırlısoy, METU, Turkey)

Didem Türe (August, 2015). Effects of Motherhood Conceptualization and Gender Role of Mothers on Gender Stereotype Knowledge in Their Preschool Children.

Arzu Çalışkan (July, 2015). The relationship between mothers' parenting styles and emotion understanding of children through the mediator role of children's pereived parenting styles of their mothers.

Gizem Çeviker (May, 2015). The Role of Parental Control on Reminiscing between Mothers and Children: Mediator Role of Maternal Self-Construals.

A. Büşra Karagöbek (August, 2014). The Role of Maternal History of Parentification, Mothers' Attachment Style, & Self-Construals of Children on Children's Parentification Roles and Perceived Caregiving by Parents.

Buse Gönül (July, 2014). Decisions and Justifications of Turkish Children about Exclusion/Inclusion concerning Gender, Disadvantaged Groups, and Aggressiveness in relation to Age and Prosocial Behavior.

Hatice Işık (July, 2014). How Third Grade Female Students and Their Mothers Perceive Gender Stereotypes and Parental Restrictions based on Gender Stereotypic Expectations: A Within-Culture Comparison in Turkey.

Nur Elibol (June, 2014). The Role of Episodic and Semantic Memory on Exam Performance Among Freshmen and Senior Students in Psychology.

  • Masters Students:

Ceren Mısır

Feyza Nur Yön

İlayda Dedeşah

Rümeysa Erdoğdu

Tuğçe Tiftik

Zeynep B. Yenen

  • PhD. Students:

Aysu Alkış

Bernanur Kuyrukçu-Yiğit

Betül Abut

Ekin Doğa Kozak

Gizem Çeviker

Hilal Ersoy

F. Kübra Aytaç

Nazlı Akay (Co-advisor: Prof Pasco Fearon, University College London)

Nilsu Tosun-Boran

Sevi G. Zeybek

Şeyma İnan-Kalkan

Tuğçe Bakır-Demir (Co-advising; Advisor: Prof. Dr. Elaine Reese, University of Otago, NZ)

Yağmur S. İlgün

  • Former M.S. Students:

Arzu Çalışkan

Ayşe Büşra Karagöbek

Cansu Alsancak (Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Nebi Sümer)

Elif Bürümlü

Esra Demirkan (Co-advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine Mısırlısoy, METU, Turkey)

İlknur Çoban (Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument, METU, Turkey)

Tuğçe Bakır (Co-advising, Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument, METU, Turkey)

Graduate Student Scholarships

  • Postdoctoral Research Scholarships

Buse Gönül, Fullbright Postdoctoral Scholarship with Prof. Dr. Melanie Killen, University, of Maryland at College Park, MD/USA, 2022-2023

Demet Kara - TÜBİTAK Postdoctoral Scholarship with Prof. Dr. Annette Bohn, CONAMORE, 2021-2022

Nur Elibol-Pekaslan, Fullbright Postdoctoral Scholarship with Prof. Dr. Qi Wang, Cornell University, NY/USA, 2021-2022

  • Graduate Scholarships

Zeynep Yenen, Erasmus+ Traineeship Grant with Dr. Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig/Germany, 2021

Nazlı Akay, TÜBİTAK 2214 Yurt Dışı Doktora Sırası Araştırma Bursu, University College London & Anna Freud Center with Prof. Dr. Pasco Fearon, London, United Kingdom, 2020-2021

Demet Kara, Fulbright Visiting Researcher Scholarship with Prof. Dr. Patricia Bauer, Emory University, USA - 2019-2020

Buse Gönül, Swedish Institute Swedish-Turkish Scholarship Programme Scholarship with Assoc. Dr. Maria Wängqvist, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018-2019

Thesis Awards

Nur Elibol-Pekaslan (2018-2019) "Functions of Autobiographical Memory During MotherAdolescent Reminiscing and Their Relation to Emotion Regulation Strategies" ODTÜ Graduate Thesis Award - Doctoral Dissertation Award

Hatice Işık (2019-2020) "Preschoolers' Gender-Typing of Self and Others in Family Context" ODTÜ Graduate Thesis Award - Doctoral Dissertation Award

Former Ph.D. Students & Current Affiliations

Buse Gönül, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Turkey

Didem Türe, Başkent University, Ankara/Turkey

Fulya Kırımer, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir, Turkey

Hatice Işık, Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi, Ankara, Turkey

İlker Dalğar, Başkent University, Ankara, Turkey

Nur Elibol-Pekaslan, Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Ankara, Turkey

ÇEGEL Lab Alumni

Arzu Çalışkan, PhD Student, Yıldırım Beyazıt University (Turkey)

Ayşe Büşra Karagöbek, PhD Student, METU (Turkey)

Cansu Alsancak-Akbulut, PhD Student, Ankara University (Turkey)

Ceren Arslan, PhD Student, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Ceren Ekşi, M.A. student at University of Oldenburg (Germany)

Çağlayan Özdemir, PhD Student, University of New Hampshire (USA)

Ege Ötenen, M.S. Student, Sabancı University (Turkey)

Elif Bürümlü-Kısa PhD Student, Bilkent University (Turkey)

Esra Demirkan, PhD Student, İstanbul University (Turkey)

İlknur Çoban, PhD Student, Ege University (Turkey)

Püren Öncel, PhD Student, University of New Hampshire (USA)

Uğur Kan, M.S. Student, Boğaziçi University (Turkey)

Tuğçe Bakır-Demir, PhD Student, University of Otago (New Zealand)

Zeynep Akbudak, M.A. student at TED University (Turkey)


ODTÜ Öğrenme ve Öğretmeyi Geliştirme, Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (ÖGEM) Danışma Kurulu Üyeliği (2016-2020)

Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi (2014-2020)

Gelen ve Giden Erasmus Öğrencilerine Kültür Şoku ve Adaptasyon ile ilgili eğitim verilmesi (2012-2018)

ODTÜ Lisans Öğrencileri Burs Komisyonu Üyesi (2014 Spring-present)

ODTÜ Psikoloji Bölümü Tanıtımı (2014-2017)

ODTÜ Psikoloji Topluluğu Danışmanı (2017-present)

Burs Komisyonu (2014-2016)

CİTÖB Komisyonu Üyesi (2018-present)

Volunteer Works

Ankara Gönüllü Topluluğu - Advising on intervention about parenting, social and cognitive child-outcomes

Üniversite-Toplum Derneği - "Her Eve Müzik" Projesi Danışmanlığı (Bahar 2013)

Üniversite-Toplum Derneği - "Her Eve Sanat" Projesi Danışmanlığı (Sonbahar 2013)


Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

Cognitive Development Society (CDS)

Invited Talks

1. Bilkent University - Psychology Club - Bahar 2013

2. 27th Efpsa Congress Turkey - Understanding Cultural Differences- Bahar 2013

3. Middle East Technical University - Social Sciences Congress (Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi)- Güz 2013

4. Middle East Technical University - Informatics Institute, Cognitive Science Colloquium- Güz 2014

5. Middle East Technical University - Psychology Department, Clinical Psychology - Güz 2014

6. Hacettepe University - Psychology Department, Cognitive Psychology Colloquium - Bahar 2015

7. Bilkent University - Psychology Department Colloquium - Bahar 2015

8. Middle East Technical University - Chemistry Department Colloquium - Güz 2015

9. Yıldırım Beyazıt University - Psychology Congress - Bahar 2016

10. Hacettepe University - Psychology Department Colloquium - Bahar 2017

11. Middle East Technical University - Gender & Women Studies Department Colloquium - Güz 2017

12. Hacettepe University - Developmental Psychology Symposium - Güz 2017

13. United Nations - 16 Days of Activism - Parental Sensitivity Symposium for Iranian, Afghan, Syrian and Iraqi Refugees - Güz 2017

14. ODTÜ Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Seminerleri- Güz 2017

15. Hacettepe Bilişsel Psikoloji Sempozyumu- Bahar 2018

16. Trans-Making İstanbul- Konferans- Güz 2018

17. Türk Psikoloji Derneği- Toplumsal Cinsiyet Komitesi Toplantısı- Bahar 2019

18. Özyeğin University- Psychology Department, Clinical Psychology Colloquium- Fall 2020

19. II. TPÖÇG Ankara Konferansı, Cognitive Psychology- Spring 2021


Odtü Geliştirme Vakfı - Genç Araştırmacı Başarı Ödülü (2015) (METU Young Researcher Award)

Mustafa Parlar – Yılın Eğitimcisi Ödülü (2015 & 2017) (METU Mustafa Parlar Teaching Award)


Psy 526 Memory Development in Infancy and Childhood

Psy 514 Language Development and Bilingualism

Psy 671- 672- 673 Supervised Research in Developmental Psychology

Psy 452 Psychology of Gender

Psy 391 Workshop in parent-child conversations

Psy 390 Workshop in parent-adolescent conversations

Psy 221 Developmental Psychology I

Psy 222 Developmental Psychology II

Psy 116 Statistics for Psychology I


Lab. web site(Please mail to communicate our lab.)

Conference Presentations

Memory Conversations:

Bayram-Gulacti, H. G., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Alsancak, C. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2016, July) How was your day? Dinner Conversations of Families as Sharing Unshared Memories. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD 2016) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Sahin-Acar, B., Ture, D., Aran, O., Alsancak, C., Ceviker, G., & Unal, G. (2015, March). Positive and Negative Affect in Video-Recorded Mother-Child Conversations. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.

Sahin-Acar, B., Bahtiyar, B., Alsancak, C., Sagel, E., & Caliskan, A. (2015, March). Reunion after a Long Day: The Effect of Maternal Attachment on Mother-Child Conversational Characteristics. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.

Ertekin, Z. & Şahin-Acar, B. (2015). The Effect of Maternal Sensitivity on Both Children and Mothers' Verbal and Behavioral Expressions during Playing With their Children. Poster presented in the Biennial Meeting of Europaan Congress of Psychology at Milan, Italy.

Sahin, B., Leichtman, M. D. & Akhavan, N. (2013, January). The Effect of Mothers' Self-Construal on Memory Characteristics of Iranian Mother-Child Conversations, Poster presented at the 2013 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.

Autobiographical Narratives:

Şahin-Acar, B. (2016, Eylül) Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Sosyal Medya ile ilgili Otobiyografik Anılarının Duygusal Tonunu Yordayan Faktörler. Poster sunumu, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Şahin-Acar, B., Koç, G., & Kapısız, Z. (2016, Eylül) Romantik İlişkideyken Sadece Geçmişteki İyi Şeyleri mi Hatırlıyoruz? Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Romantik İlişki Durumunun Romantik Anılarının Özellikleri Üzerindeki Etkisi. Poster sunumu, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Sahin-Acar, B., Alsancak, C., Bakir, T., Burumlu, E., Coban, I., Erel, S. (2016, July). Effects of Social Role Priming, Self-Construal, and Attachment on Autobiographical Memory Characteristics. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD 2016) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Gunes, S. & Sahin-Acar, B. (September, 2014). The Effects of Autobiographical Memory Functions, Self-Esteem and Well-Being on Memory Characteristics of Turkish College Students. Poster presented at the EARA, Çeşme, İzmir.

Sahin, B., Çeviker, G., & Ceylan, S, (2014, July). Social Media as a Source in Constructing Collective Memories: US College Students' Memories on Contemporary Events, Their Social Media Related Habits and Characteristics. Poster presented at the 2014 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Sahin, B. & Mebert, C. J. (2012, April). Relation of Possible Selves and Autobiographical Memories in Late Adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society for Research on Adolescence, Vancouver, CA.

Sahin, B. & Mebert, C. J. (2009, April). Cultural and Familial Differences in Autobiographical Memory. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Denver, CO.

Sahin, B. & Mebert, C. J. (2008, April). Autobiographical Memory and Cultural Self-Construals in US and Turkish Adolescents. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Adolescence. Chicago, IL.

Mebert, C. J. & Sahin, B. (2007, April). Autobiographical Memory in US and Turkish Adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Boston, MA.

Memory in Classroom Context:

Elibol-Pekaslan, N., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, September). The Role of Episodic and Semantic Memory Use in Classroom Context on Exam Performance. Poster presented at the 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Paphos, Cyprus.

Sahin, B. & Leichtman, M. D. (2010, April). Episodic Memory in the Classroom: A Study of Turkish High School Students. Poster presented at the annual Graduate Research Conference, Durham, NH.

Metacognitive Processes:

Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Alsancak, C., Bayram-Gulacti, H. G., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2016, July). The Effect of Parental Emotional Awareness on Children's Ability of Metacognitive Regulation. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD 2016) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Gender & Autobiographical Memories:

Işık-Baş, H., Şahin-Acar, B., Özen-Çıplak, A., Gönül, B., Bayram-Gülaçtı, H., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Deniz, P. (2017, August). Investigating mother-adolescent pairs' gender schemas in Turkey. Oral presentation, 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (ECDP), Utrecht, Netherlands.

Şahin-Acar, B., Bakır, T. & Kuş, E. G. (2016, Eylül) Aynı Ailenin Kadınlarının Çocukluk Anıları: Kız Çocukları, Anneler ve Anneannelerin İlk Çocukluk Anılarında Aile içi Benzerlikler ve Nesiller Arası Farklar. Sözlü sunum, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Işık, H., Şahin-Acar, B., Özen, A., Gönül, B., Bayram-Gülaçtı, H., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Deniz, P., Bürümlü, E., Çoban, İ., & Ülgen, P. (2016, Eylül) Nasıl bir Kadın/Erkek Olmak İstersin? Annelerin Ergen Çocukları ve Ergenlerin Kendileri ile ilgili Kadınlık/Erkeklik Tanımları. Poster sunumu, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Bayram-Gulacti, H. G., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, July). Gender Differences in Autobiographical Memory Characteristics: Turkish College Students' Menarche and Circumcision Memories. Oral presentation given at 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, Italy.

Ture, D. & Sahin-Acar, B. (September, 2015). Tell me what is it ike to be a girl/boy? Conventional and unconventional remarks in mother-child conversations about child's gender. Poster presented at the 17th European Conference of Developmental Psychology, September, 8-12, Braga, Portugal.

Campbell, S., Sahin, B., & Golcuk, M. (2015) Gender Differences in Music Memories. Poster presented at the 14th European Congress of Psychology at Milan, Italy on July 7-10, 2015.

Isik, H., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, July). How Mothers' Self Construals Predict Their Own and Daughters' Gender related Evaluations. Oral presentation given at 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, Italy.

Isik, H., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, March). How Turkish Children and Mothers Justify Their Gender-related Decisions. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.

Mothering and Motherhood Conceptualization:

Ture, D., & Sahin-Acar, B. (June, 2017). Pregnant Women's Concerns and Coping Strategies in the Middle of Uncertainity: Semi-Structured Interviews with Thematic Analysis. Poster will be presented at the International Attachment Conference in London, UK.

Türe, D. & Şahin-Acar, B. (2016). Annenin Annelik Konseptinin ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolünün Okul Öncesi Çocuklarında Cinsiyet Şemaları Üzerindeki Etkisi. Sözlü Bildiri Sunumu, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Parental Characteristics

Akdeniz, B., Doğan, A., Tahiroğlu, D., Kazak Berument, S. & Şahin-Acar, B. Mediating role of parental behavioral control in the relationship between cyberbullying and parental warmth. 20th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Eylül 2021.

Aytekin, S.T., Doğan, A., Kazak Berument, S., Tahiroğlu, D. & Şahin-Acar, B. The relationship between peer bullying and parental characteristics. 20th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Eylül 2021.

Çoban, İ., Şahin-Acar, B., Doğan, A., Kazak Berument, S. & Tahiroğlu, D. Parental and demographic factors on internet use of Turkish children. 20th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Eylül 2021.

Ilgun, Y., Alkis, A., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2021). The Roles of Maternal Elaborativeness and Individuation on Children's Elaborativeness in Researcher-Child Recounting Task, Individual Poster Presentation, Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Altinoz, Z. S. &Berument, S. K., Şahin-Acar, B., Tahiroğlu, D. &Doğan, A. (2021) Parental and peer acceptance and rejection and cross-context interactions. Individual Poster Presentation was submitted to the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Moral Development:

Gönül, B., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2016). Çocuklarda sosyal dışlama yargılamaları: Doğu ve batı kimlikleri üzerinden bir karşılaştırma. 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye

Gonul, B., Sahin-Acar, B., Ozen, A., Isik, H., Bayram-Gulacti, H. G., Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Deniz, P. (2016, September). Autonomous-related Self-Construal Predicts Adolescents' Evaluations of Family Loyalty. Oral presentation given at 15th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA 2016) in Cadiz, Spain.

Gönül, B., Işık, H. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, July). Truth-telling evaluations of Turkish preschool children: The role of individual vs. collective benefits. Oral presentation given at 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, Italy.

Gönül, B. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, July). The effects of children's social exclusion/inclusion decisions on their justifications. Oral presentation given at 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, Italy.

Gonul, B., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, March). Social Inclusion/Exclusion Judgments of Turkish Children: A Comparison between Daily Interactions and Group Activities. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Philadelphia, PA.

Gönül,B., Işık, H., & Şahin, B. (2014, January). Moral cognition of Turkish preschool children: The interplay between individual and collective values. Poster presented at the 2014 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.


Karagobek, A. B., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2015, July). Moderator role of child's gender in predicting parentification behaviors. Oral presentation given at 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP), Milan, Italy.

Mebert, C. J. & Sahin, B. (2007, April). Parentification in US and Turkish Adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of Society in Research for Child Development, Boston, MA.

Maternal Sensitivity and Attachment Security:

Alsancak-Akbulut, C., Sahin-Acar, B., & Sumer, N. (June, 2017). Effects of Video Feedback Intervention on Maternal Intrusiveness. Poster will be presented at the International Attachment Conference in London, UK.

Metin-Orta, I., Sumer, N., Ilden-Kockar, A., Sahin-Acar, B., & Salman-Engin, S. (June, 2017). Effectiveness of an Attachment-Based Video-Feedback Intervention among Turkish Mother-Child Dyads. Poster will be presented at the International Attachment Conference in London, UK.

Alsancak, C., Şahin-Acar, B., Sümer, N., Çiftçibaşı, D., Eltan, S., & Beyarslan, D.S. (2016). Video Geribildirimli Müdahale Programı: Annenin Müdahaleci Davranışlarının Azaltılması. Sözlü Bildiri Sunumu, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Salman-Engin, S., Memişoğlu, A. Işılay, D. S., Sümer, N., Şahin-Acar, B., İlden-Koçkar, A., Metin-Orta, İ., Akkol, S., Alsancak, C., Aran, Ö., Kavaklı, B., Sağel, E., Türe, D., Üstünel, A. Ö., Yaşar, B. (2016, Eylül) Türkiye'de Anne Duyarlığına Yönelik Video Temelli Olumlu Ebeveynlik Müdahale Programının Uyarlanması. Sözlü sunum, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Bakır, T., Kazak-Berument, S., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2016, Eylül) Yeşil Alan ve Öz-Düzenleme Arasındaki İlişki. Poster sunumu, 19. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 5-7 Eylül, İzmir Türkiye.

Caliskan, A. & Sahin-Acar, B. (2016, July). The relationship between mothers' parenting styles and emotion understanding of children. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD 2016) in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Sumer, N., Sahin-Acar, B., Ilden-Kockar, A., Salman-Engin, S., Aran, O., & Memisoglu, A. (August, 2015). The effectiveness of video-feedback intervention on maternal sensitivity and attachment security in Turkey. Poster presented at the 7th International Attachment Conference (IAC), NYC, New York.

Metin-Orta, I., Sumer, N., Ilden-Kockar, A., Sahin-Acar, B., Salman-Engin, S., Aran, O., Memisoglu, A., & Akkol, S. (July, 2016). Effectiveness of early parenting intervention on different aspects of maternal sensitivity among Turkish mothers. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSBD), Vilnius, Lithuania.

Alkis, A., Ilgun, Y., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2021). The Moderator Role of Maternal Attachment Between Mothers' and Children's Elaborativeness in Mother-Child Reminiscing, Individual Poster Presentation, Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Development during COVID-19 Pandemic:

Çeviker, G., Çetin, K. N., Canpolat, An., İplikçi, B., & Şahin-Acar, B. (2021, July). Emotional residue after Covid-19 Pandemic: The link between early maladaptive schemas and emotional memory. 32nd International Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czech Republic.

Aytekin, S.T., Kazak Berument, S., Doğan, A., Şahin-Acar, B. & Tahiroğlu, D. The experiences of adolescents and their mothers during the COVID-19: A Qualitative Study. 20th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Eylül 2021.

Çoban, İ., Doğan, A., Kazak Berument, S., Şahin-Acar, B. & Tahiroğlu, D. The effects of COVID-19 on children's and adolescents' social media use. 20th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Eylül 2021.

İplikçi, B., Memişoğlu-Sanlı, A., Ilgun, Y., Anaçali, E., Aydoğdu, E., Şahin-Acar, B., Tahiroğlu, D., Doğan, A., & Berument, S. K. (2021). Parenting during the Pandemic: Antecedents and Consequences of Change in Parental Psychological Distress. Individual Poster Presentation, Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Elibol-Pekaslan, N., Gonul, B., Işık, H., Türe, D., Abut, F. B., Kalkan- İnan, F. Ş., Kazak-Berument, S., Dogan, A., Tahiroglu, D., & Sahin-Acar, B. (2021, July 21-23). Comparing emotional narrative styles of mothers and their children before and during COVID-19 pandemic [Paper presentation]. SARMAC Virtual Conference.

Aydoğdu, E., Berument, S.K.,Doğan, A. Şahin-Acar, B., Tahiroğlu, D. & (2021). The maternal factors effecting cognitive engagement during COVID-19 pandemic: A path analysis. The Individual Poster Presentation was submitted to the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Bayram Gülaçtı, H., Akkaya, S., Gölcük, M, Ertekin, Z., Şahin-Acar, B., Tahiroğlu, D. &Doğan, A. Berument, S.K., (2021). The Links between COVID-19 Experiences, Marital Conflict, Maternal Rejection, & Sibling Conflict: A Serial Mediation Study. The Individual Poster Presentation was submitted to the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Babaoglu, G.,Berument S. K.,Şahin-Acar, B., Doğan, A.Tahiroğlu, & Doğan, A. (2021). The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Maternal Work-Family Conflict, Parenting, and Child Internalizing Problems. Individual Poster Presentation was submitted to the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Durmus, R. &Berument, S. K., Şahin-Acar, B., Tahiroğlu, D. &Doğan, A. (2021). The Effect of Covid-19 Experience of Children on Externalizing Behaviors: A Moderated Moderation Model of Temperament and Perceived Parenting. Individual Poster Presentation was submitted to the Virtual Biennial Meeting of Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) in April 7-9.

Last Updated:
05/08/2024 - 11:01