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all announcements >>
Announcement: Workshop in Developmental Psychology (PSY3395)
This workshop will focus on behavioural observation and analysis of emotional responses in response to lab-based emotion-eliciting tasks in babies. Following a brief training session, participants...
Sosyal Psikoloji ABD Yenilenecek Arş. Gör. Sınavı
Sosyal Psikoloji Anabilim dalı için araştırma görevlisi sınavı, yapılan bir hatadan dolayı yenilecektir. Daha önce sınavı almış olan ve sınav hakkı olan adaylar aranarak kendilerine haber verilmiştir...
3396 Workshop in Developmental Psychology Dersini Almak İsteyen Öğrencilerin Dikkatine
2333396 Workshop in Developmental Psychology dersi kapsamında öğrencilerden “Ebeveynlere Yönelik Duyarlık Odaklı Doğum Öncesi Müdahale Programının Anne-Baba-Bebek Bağlanması ile Bebeğin Bilişsel ve...
PSY1410 Understanding Social Behavior
This course is offered to students outside of the Department of Psychology. There will be no quota increases.
PSY1010 General Psychology
This course is offered to students outside of the Department of Psychology. There will be no quota increases. Please see the: FAQ document-.
Resit Exam for Psychology Courses
A make-up exam for psychology department courses will be held on Friday, February 7th, at 10:00 in the psychology department meeting room (B231) for all eligible students.
Research Assistant Recruitment Final Evaluation Results
/ News
31/12/2024 resmi gazete tarihli 50/d ve öncelikli alanlar araştırma görevlisi alım ilanları için yapılan başvuruların nihai değerlendirme sonuçları açıklanmıştır. Aşağıdaki linkler üzerinden...
Research Assistant Recruitment Preliminary Evaluation Results
31/12/2024 resmi gazete tarihli araştırma görevlisi alım ilanları için yapılan başvuruların ön değerlendirme sonuçları açıklanmıştır. Aşağıdaki linkler üzerinden sonuçlara ulaşabilirsiniz. Ön...
Clinical and Cognitive Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists
/ News
The interview lists for the Clinical and Cognitive Psychology graduate programs are below. The interviews will be held face-to-face. The interview dates and places are indicated below. Clinical...
Developmental and Social Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists
/ News
The interview lists of the Development and Social Psychology M.Sc. programs and the Developmental Psychology Ph.D. program are below. The interviews will be held face-to-face. The interview dates and...
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dicle Dövencioğlu was guest on METU Youtube Channel
/ News
You can click on the link below to watch Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dicle Dövencioğlu's interview on sound symbolic effects as a guest on METU's official Youtube channel.
Faculty Member Recruitment
Psikoloji Kadro İlanları - Doçentler Bölümümüz aşağıdaki Deneysel Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı için iki adet doçent alınacaktır. Başvuru için gerekli belgelerle ilgili detaylı bilgiye resmi...
Research Assistant Recruitment (31.12.2024)
Psikoloji Kadro İlanları - Ek Tablo Bölümümüz aşağıdaki alt bilim dallarına araştırma görevlileri alınacaktır. Başvuru için gerekli belgelerle ilgili detaylı bilgiye resmi gazete ilanından...
Research Assistants Recruitment (31.12.2024)
Psikoloji Kadro İlanları Bölümümüz aşağıdaki alt bilim dallarına araştırma görevlileri alınacaktır. Başvuru için gerekli belgelerle ilgili detaylı bilgiye resmi gazete ilanından ...
Clinical Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
/ News
The evaluation results of the applications for the Clinical Psychology research assistant recruitment have been announced. Please click on the link below to access the results screen: https://sonuc-...
Traffic and Transportation Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
/ News
The evaluation results of the applications for the Traffic and Transportation Psychology research assistant recruitment have been announced. Please click on the link below to access the results...
Research Assistant Recruitment Exam
The research assistant recruitment exam for the fields of Clinical Psychology and Traffic and Transportation Psychology will be held on Friday, November 15th, from 14:00 to 16:00 in classroom B-102
Clinical Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment Preliminary Evaluation Results
/ News
The preliminary evaluation results of the applications for the Clinical Psychology research assistant recruitment have been announced. Please click on the link below to access the results screen:...
Traffic and Transportation Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment Preliminary Evaluation Results
/ News
The preliminary evaluation results of the applications for the Traffic and Transportation Psychology research assistant recruitment have been announced. Please click on the link below to access the...
Additional Exam Schedules: PSY1010 (General Psychology) and PSY1410 (Understanding Social Behavior)
/ News
As part of the additional exam right granted to students whose maximum duration of study has ended during the 2023-2024 academic year, the dates, times, and locations for the exams for the PSY1410...
Araştırma Görevlisi Alım İlanı
Bölümümüz Klinik Psikoloji ile Trafik ve Ulaşım Psikolojisi alanlarına araştırma görevlisi alınacaktır. Başvuru için gerekli belgelerle ilgili detaylı bilgiye resmi gazete ilanından...
Add-Drop Week Office Hours
Click here to access advisors' office hours for the add-drop week.
2333394 Attention to Students Who Want to Take Workshop in Developmental Psychology Course
/ News
Bu ders kapsamında, TÜBİTAK tarafından desteklenen bir projede araştırmacılarla birlikte yer alıp aktif olarak sürece katılacaksınız. Bu proje kapsamında, ilk bebeklerini bekleyen anne-baba...
Registration Week Office Hours
2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Ofis Saatleri 2024-2025 Güz Dönemi Ders Kayıtları Ofis Saatleri Ad 25.09.2024 Çarşamba 26.09.2024 Perşembe 27.09.2024 Cuma Ofis veya Zoom/Teams Bağlantısı...
Announcement about our Departmental Restricted Elective Courses and Quotas
/ News
Although you are encouraged to take the courses in the Restricted category in their corresponding semesters in the curriculum, it is also possible to take these Restricted courses in subsequent...
IMPORTANT Announcements About PSY1010 and PSY1410
/ News
There will NOT be any quota increase in the PSY1010 General Psychology and PSY1410 Understanding Social Behavior courses. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions document by clicking here.
List of Academic Advisors
/ News
Dear undergraduate students, please check who your advisor is from the table below. 2024-2025 ACADEMIC ADVISORS GRADE STUDENTS BY SURNAME ADVISOR 1 AKBULUT - ZORALOĞLU Türker Özkan...
PSY4090 Summer Practice Section List
/ News
Please manually enroll in your assigned section as listed. Some students have automatically been enrolled in a different section, please correct during registration. Please click here to download the...
Industrial Design Department Course Quotas
The Department of Industrial Design has opened quotas for the following courses to our department. ID 417 Video Game Design and Development (2-2)3 - Part-Time Inst. Doruk HASDOĞAN ID 420 User...
Psychology Ph.D. Programs Interview List
The interviews of the Psychology Ph.D. programs will be held face-to-face. The interview dates and places are indicated below. Cognitive Psychology PhD 25 June 2024 at 13:00, B205A...
Psychology M.Sc. Programs Interview Lists (24.06.2024)
The interviews of the Psychology M.Sc. programs will be held face-to-face. The interview dates and places are indicated below. Cognitive Psychology MS 25 June 2024 at 9:00, B205A Developmental...
Fall Semester Undergraduate Transfer Announcement
Yatay Geçiş Başvuruları 2024 - 2025 Güz Dönemi Yatay Geçiş Başvuruları Başvuru Birimi: Öğrenci İşleri Daire Başkanlığı Online İletişim Formu ÖNEMLİ TARİHLER...
Undergraduate Projects Supported by AdımODTÜ in 2024
/ News
Congratulations to our students and advisors whose projects qualified to be supported by AdımODTÜ! C1 The Effect of Second Language Acquisition Age on Hearing Non-Native Phonemes Among Adults...
UPDATED! - Exam Schedule for Students Who Have Completed the Maximum Education Duration in the Department of Psychology
1 Nisan
Pazartesi 2 Nisan
Salı 3. Nisan
Çarşamba 4 Nisan
Perşembe 5 Nisan
Cuma 09:30-10:30 PSY3402
(B102) PSY217
(Psy Toplantı Odası) PSY331
Add/Drop Week Office Hours
Undergraduate Advisor 26.02.2024 Monday 27.02.2024 Tuesday 28.02.2024 Wednesday 29.02.2024 Thursday 01....
PSY1010 Frequently Asked Questions (Updated)
Dear Students, We receive more than 50 emails a day regarding PSY1010 course. So, we have prepared a frequently asked questions list that you can see below. Please review the answers to the questions...
PSY3505 Addiction: Psychoanalytic Approach
Dersimizde tüm bölüm öğrencilerimiz (sadece 2. sınıflar değil) ve diğer bölümlerdeki öğrencilerimiz için kontenjan artırımı yapılmıştır. Dersi alacak öğrencilerimiz section 2'yi seçerek...
Office Hours (Updated)
Year Advisor 14.02.2024 Wednesday 15.02.2024 - Thursday 16.02.2024 - Friday Zoom/Webex Link or Face-to-face 1 Dilay Karadöller 15:30-16:30 - - Face-to-face at my office (...
Öğrenci Danışmanları ve Alan Koordinatörleri
2023-2024 ACADEMIC YEAR DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDENT ADVISORS Year Advisor Office Email 1 Dilay Karadöller (A-Kayapınar) B047 dilayk 1 Faruk Gençöz (Kılıç-Z)...
Evaluation Results for Priority Areas Clinical Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment
Please click here to access the results of the research assistant recruitment process for the Clinical Psychology field.
Preliminary Evaluation Results for Clinical Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment
/ News
Öncelikli Alanlar Klinik Psikoloji alanı araştırma görevlisi alımı ön değerlendirme sonuçlarına ulaşmak için lütfen tıklayınız. Giriş sınavına kabul edilen adaylar 23.01.2024 tarihinde 13.30 - 16.30...
İlkyaz Deniz Bilgiç ranked 2nd in the 'Tell Me About Your Research' Competition!
/ News
We are pleased to announce that Developmental Psychology Masters student İlkyaz Deniz Bilgiç ranked 2nd and received a prize of 10000TL in the 'Tell Me About Your Research' competition organized by...
Clinical Psychology-Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
Please click here to access the results of the research assistant recruitment process for the Clinical Psychology field.
Experimental Psychology-Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
Please click here to access the results of the research assistant recruitment process for the Experimental Psychology field.
Preliminary Evaluation Results for Clinical Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment
Klinik psikoloji alanı araştırma görevlisi alımı ön değerlendirme sonuçlarına bu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz. Giriş sınavına kabul edilen adaylar 20.11.2023 tarihi 11.40 - 14:30 saatlerinde Yüksel Proje...
Preliminary Evaluation Results for Experimental Psychology Research Assistant Recruitment
Deneysel psikoloji alanı araştırma görevlisi alımı ön değerlendirme sonuçlarına bu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz. Giriş sınavına kabul edilen adaylar 20.11.2023 tarihi 11.40 - 14:30 saatlerinde Yüksel...
PSY1010 (General Psychology) and PSY1410 (Understanding Social Behavior) Additional Exam Schedules
The additional exams' schedule for the PSY1010 (General Psychology) and PSY1410 (Understanding Social Behavior) courses: PSY 1010 General Psychology exam date and place: November 14, 2023, at 13:30,...
PSY 1410 Understanding Social Behavior (Sections 2-3-4)
All these 3 sections are given on Wednesday between 11:40-14:30 in B14 classroom. The instructor is also the same (Banu Cingöz Ulu). Section 2 is offered only to Philosophy and Section 3 only to...
Date and Time Change for Workshop in Developmental Psychology (2333391)
The new date and time for the course is Thursdays between 15.40-17.30. There is no prerequisite for the course. Those interested in participating should attend the lecture on October 10th at 15:40 in...
2023-2024 Academic Year Department of Psychology Student Advisors and Graduate Program Coordinators
2023-2024 ACADEMIC YEAR DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY STUDENT ADVISORS Year Advisor Office Email 1 Dilay Karadöller Faruk Gençöz B047 B240 dilayk fgencoz 2...
Add Drop Week - OFFICE HOURS! (10.10.2023)
Undergraduate Advisor 09.10.2023 Monday 10.10.2023 Tuesday 11.10.2023 Wednesday 12.10.2023 Thursday 13.10.2023 Friday Zoom/Webex Link 1 Dilay Karadöller - 15.30-...
PSY1010 General Psychology
A new general section (section 5), ONLY for 4th year students will be opened on October 10th (Tuesday) at 10:00am on a first come first served basis. Classroom for PSY1010 ALL sections has been...
PSY 1410 Understanding Social Behavior (Sections 2 & 3)
Section 2 of this course is offered to the Philosophy department and Section 3 to the Sociology department. The instructor, the course days, times, and the classroom are the same for both sections. (...
Workshop in Developmental Psychology (2333391)
There is no prerequisite for the course. Those interested in participating should attend the first lecture on October 3rd at 14:40 in room B205-A. A total of 10 students will be selected based on...
Office Hours- UPDATED (27.09.2023-12:50)
Year Advisor 27.09.2023 Wednesday 28.09.2023 - Thursday 29.03.2023 - Friday Zoom/Webex Link or Face-to-face 1 Dilay Karadöller 15:30-16:30 11.30-13.30 -
PSY4090 Summer Practice Section List
All students are expected to enroll in their own section. You need to manually enter your assigned section number during registration. Please click here to learn your section number.
Announcement about PSY3690 Workshop in I/O Psychology
10 students will be selected for this research-based course. This course is about conducting personality-related research in work domains. Thus, the first eligibility criteria is that students must...
Psychology Undergraduate Students Academic Advisor List
/ News
Please click to view the list of academic advisors assigned to Psychology undergraduate students in the 2023-2024 Fall Semester.
2023-2024 Fall Semester Course Schedules
/ News
Please click to view undergraduate and graduate course schedules for the 2023-2024 fall semester. (Last Updated: 26.09.2023)
Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists
Please click here to access the Clinical Psychology M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs interview list. The M.Sc. program interviews will be held face-to-face on 3 August Thursday at 9:30 in B102-...
The Traffic and Transportation Psychology M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programs Interview Lists
Click here to access the Traffic and Transportation Psychology M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programs' interview lists.The interviews will be held face-to-face on August 2 at 15.00 in B102-Social Sciences Building...
Cognitive/Experimental Psychology M.Sc. and Ph.D. Programs Interview Lists
/ News
Please click here to access the Cognitive/Experimental Psychology M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs interview lists. The interviews will be held face-to-face on July 19 in B102-Social Sciences Building....
Developmental Psychology M.Sc. Program Interview List
/ News
Please click here to access the Developmental Psychology M.Sc. program interview list. The interviews will be held face-to-face tomorrow (July 18) at 9:30 in B102-Social Sciences Building. Candidates...
Developmental Psychology Ph.D. Program Interview List
/ News
Please click here to access the Developmental Psychology Ph.D. program interview list. The interviews will be held face-to-face tomorrow (July 18) at 15:00 in B102-Social Sciences Building. ...
Research Assistant Recruitment Evaluation Results
/ News
Please click here to access the results of the research assistant recruitment process for the Experimental Psychology field.
PSY1010 Resit Examination
The resit exam of the PSY 1010 course will be held on 19 July at 11:00 at B231.
Preliminary Evaluation Results for Research Assistant Recruitment
/ News
Deneysel psikoloji alanı araştırma görevlisi alımı ön değerlendirme sonuçlarına ulaşmak için lütfen tıklayınız. Giriş sınavına kabul edilen adaylar 5 Temmuz 2023'te saat 10:00'da Beşeri Bilimler...
PSY 1410 Additional Exam
Undergraduate students who completed their maximum duration of education and who applied to take an additional exam PSY 1410 "Understanding Social Behavior" courses: Exam date and place: April...
PSY 2022-2023 Spring Semester Course Schedules
Please click to view undergraduate and graduate course schedules for the 2022-2023 spring semester. (Last Updated: 13.03.2023 - 19:38)
Add/Drop Week - Advisor Office Hours
Undergraduate Advisor 13.03.2023 Monday 14.03.2023 Tuesday 15.03.2023 Wednesday 16.03.2023 - Thursday 17.03.2023 - Friday Zoom Link 1 Yonca Toker Gültaş...
Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument's Office Hour Change
Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak Berument's office hour has been rescheduled to 16:00-17:00 for today (02.03.2023). Please check the previous announcement for details.
Office Hours- UPDATED
Year Advisor 1.03.2023 Wednesday 2.03.2023 - Thursday 3.03.2023 - Friday Zoom/Webex Link 1 Yonca Toker Gültaş 10:00-11:00 10:00-11:00 10:00-11:00
Announcement for PSY3492 - Workshop in Social Psychology
Only students who have taken Psy4404 (formerly code 452) Psychology of Women and Gender can take PSY3492 Workshop in Social Psychology course. The course aims for students to conduct their research...
Resit Examinations
Resit examination deadline for the associate and undergraduate degree students in their final semester of graduation by 2022-2023 Academic Year Fall Semester updated to 17 February 2023. You can...
METU Migration Day Event
/ Event
Hello everyone! As METU Psychology Club and METU Gender Studies Club, METU Economics Club, METU Communications Club, and METU Political Science Club, we are pleased to announce our "ODTÜ Migration...
/ News
MASTER/PH.D. POSITIONS STARTING 2022-2023 SPRING Seeking New Master/Ph.D. Students and a Postdoctoral Student to Join Neuroscience Research We are looking to admit outstanding applicants to the...
Additional Exam for PSY 1410
Undergraduate students who completed their maximum duration of education as of Spring 2021-22 and who applied to take an additional exam PSY 150 / PSY 1410 "Understanding Social Behavior" courses:...
We are deeply saddened by the loss of one of the retired professors of our department, our esteemed teacher Prof.Dr. Umur Talaslı. We respectfully commemorate our professor, who touched many...
PSY 2022-2023 Fall Semester Course Schedules
Please click to view the undergraduate and graduate course schedules for the 2022-2023 fall semester.
UPDATED! (13.10.22)-Add/Drop Office Hours
Year Advisor 10.10.2022 Monday 11.10.2022 Tuesday 12.10.2022 Wednesday 13.10.2022 Thursday 14.10.2022 ...
PSY3394-Workshop in Developmental Psychology-Second Meeting
Psy 3394 Workshop in Developmental Psychology's second meeting and training for the selection will be held on Tuesday (11.10.2022) at 19.00 as a zoom meeting. Please use the following link to attend...
PSY3394-Workshop in Developmental Psychology-First Meeting
Psy 3394 Workshop in Developmental Psychology's first meeting will be held on Friday at 16.00 as a zoom meeting. Please use the following link to attend the meeting: Join Zoom Meeting
Psychology Department Orientation Presentation
Please click here to access the freshman orientation presentation of the Department of Psychology.
Announcement for PSY1010-Section 1&2&3&4
Tomorrow's lecture (05.10.2022) will be at the P1 (in Physics Department). For the next weeks, there will be an update about the place.
Office Hours
Year Advisor 28.09.2022 Wednesday 29.09.2022 Thursday 30.09.2022 Friday Link/Office 1 Yonca Toker Gültaş 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00 -...
PSY300/PSY4090 Summer Practice Section List
Please click here to download the PSY300/PSY4090 summer practice section list.
About Psy3492 Workshop in Social Psychology (The announcement has been updated!)
Only students who have already taken Psy4404 (formerly code 452) Psychology of Women and Gender can take PSY 3492 Workshop in Social Psychology. The purpose of the course is to provide students with...
Additional Exams Schedule
TIME & PLACE 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 10:00-12:00 Meeting Room B231 PSY343, PSY442 PSY 200 PSY3150 PSY446 - 14:00-16:00 Meeting Room B231 PSY454, PSY440 PSY 2201 PSY346 - -...
Additional Exam Applications (PSY 100/PSY 1010 General Psychology and PSY 150/PSY 1410 Understanding Social Behavior):
Undergraduate students who exceeded their maximum duration of education and who applied to take an additional exam for PSY 100 / PSY 1010 "General Psychology" or PSY 150 / PSY 1410 "Understanding...
The Place and Time of the PSY1010 and PSY1410 Resit Examinations
The resit exams of the PSY 1010 and PSY 1410 courses will be held tomorrow (Thursday 4 August) for both courses at 9:30 am at B102.
Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists (Updated: 20:10 - 07.25.2022)
Please click the links below to get interview lists of Clinical Psychology graduate programs. MSc. Ph.D.
Traffic and Transportation Psychology MSc. Program Interviews - Zoom Infos
Yüksek Lisans (Tezli ) Soyisim / İsim BEDİ MUSTAFA KURTULUŞ YETİŞGİN ELİF SENA Mülakat Tarihi ve Saati: 25 Temmuz 2022, 13:30 Mülakat Dili: Türkçe Mülakat Yeri: Online Zoom...
Developmental Psychology Graduate Programs Interviews - Zoom Infos
Please click the Zoom links below to join Developmental Psychology Graduate Programs Interviews. MSc. Ph.D.
Social Psychology Graduate Programs Interviews - Zoom Link
Please click the Zoom link below to join Social Psychology Graduate Program Interview. 19/07/2021 09:30
About Undergraduate Students who Exceeded Their Maximum Duration of Education / PSY 100-1010 and PSY 150-PSY1410 Exams
Undergraduate students who exceeded their maximum duration of education and who applied to take an additional exam for PSY 100 / PSY 1010 "General Psychology" or PSY 150 / PSY 1410 "Understanding...
Exam Schedule for Students Who Have Completed the Maximum Education Duration in the Department of Psychology (Updated: 08/04/2022)
Exam Schedule Given Courses
PSY 2021-22 Spring Semester Office Hours for Add-Drop
Year Advisor 16.03.2022 Wednesday 17.03.2022 Thursday 18.03.2022 Friday 1 Deniz Canel Çınarbaş 12:30-13:00 14:30-15:00 1 Nuray Sakallı 11:00-12:00 2 Sezen Kışlal 8:30-9:30 13:00-14:...
To Students who take PSY1010!
PSY1010 course (Section 1 & 2) will be held fully face-to-face in the HZ-2 classroom between 09.40-12.30 on Mondays. There will be no Zoom classes.
To 3rd & 4th year students who have not taken PSY217!
To 3rd & 4th year students who have not taken PSY217! We would like to encourage you to enroll in the PSY3150 course (the equivalent to PSY217) this semester, as next year this course will either...
About the Equivalences of PSY3102 and PSY3150 Courses
PSY3102 is equivalent to PSY214 and PSY3150 is equivalent to PSY217. For this year PSY3150 will be offered only to those who need to take the PSY217 course (3rd and 4th year students). Students...
2021-2022 Güz Dönemi Sonunda Azami Eğitim Öğretim Süresi Dolan Lisans Öğrencilerinin Ek Sınav Başvuruları Hk.
2021-2022 Güz Dönemi sonunda azami eğitim öğretim süresi dolan lisans öğrencilerinin ek sınav başvuruları ile ilgili yönetmeliğe ve belgelere aşağıdaki linklere tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz. ...
PSY 2021-22 Spring Semester Office Hours for Registrations
Please click to view the advisors' office hours for spring semester registrations.
About PSY 470 Applied Health Psychology
PSY 470 Applied Health Psychology course is offered only to fourth-year psychology students who have already taken PSY 449 Health Psychology course.
About PSY3150 Topics in Quantitative Psychology
This course is equivalent to PSY217 and for this year PSY3150 will be offered only to those who need to take the PSY217 course (3rd and 4th year students). Students who have taken PSY217 before...
About PSY 374 Biological Psychology
PSY 374 Biological Psychology course is offered only to third-year psychology students.
Open Positions in Memory Modeling Lab – Ph.D. Student and Postdoctoral Researcher
/ News
Memory Modelling Lab at METU Psychology Department will be hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow starting as soon as possible for a duration of 2.5 years and a Ph.D. student starting in the Fall 2022 Semester...
Clinical Psychology - Assistant Staff Application Evaluation Results
AdımODTÜ Undergrad Research Poster Prize
/ News
Aybüke Bilir, Deniz Vardar, and Fatma Çelebi, students of our department, came first among the 64 studies supported by AdımODTÜ and won the Poster Prize within the scope of the Undergrad Researches...
Traffic and Transportation Psychology - Assistant Staff Application Evaluation Results
About the Undergraduate Summer Internship Orientation Training
/ Event
This week on Thursday, December 23, at 18.00, undergraduate summer internship orientation training will be held online. The Zoom link of the event was shared via psy-ug mail list. Students who have...
Clinical Psychology Assistant Personnel Pre-Assessment Results
Traffic and Transportation Psychology Assistant Personnel Pre-Assessment Results (Updated: 16.11.2021/14:49)
Sınava girmeye hak kazananların 20.12.2021 Pazartesi günü, ODTÜ Beşeri Bilimler Binası B103 nolu sınıfta saat 14.00'te hazır olmaları beklenmektedir.
2021 Fall Semester METU Career Fair
/ Event
Dear Students, This semester, our traditional career fair will be held both online and face-to-face. Online Career Fair By clicking the link below, you can visit the online career fair held on...
PSY 2021-22 Fall Semester Office Hours for Add-Drop
Undergraduate Advisor 25.10.2021 Mon 26.10.2021 Tue 27.10.2021 Wed 28.10.2021 Thu Zoom/Webex Link Passcode 1 Deniz Canel Çınarbaş 11:00-11.30 11:00-11.30...
Course Syllabuses
The list will be updated. PSY 4303 - Language Acquisition & Development PSY 463 - Culture and Psychology
PSY 2021-2022 Fall Semester Course Schedules - Updated (16.10.2021)
Please click to view undergraduate and graduate course schedules for the 2021-2022 fall semester. (Last Updated: 16.10.2021 - 14:50)
About PSY 300 Summer Practice
Dear students, Please click to view your PSY300 sections. While registering for the semester you need to manually enroll in your designated section number (if you do not enter your section number the...
About PSY 340 Theories of Personality
PSY 340 Theories of Personality course is offered only to third and fourth year psychology students and minor students. Among the students who took the course before, only the students who got a...
PSY 2021-22 Fall Semester Office Hours for Registrations
Undergraduate Advisor 12.10.2021 Tuesday 13.10.2021 Wednesday 14.10.2021 Thursday 15.10.2021 Friday Zoom/Webex Link Passcode 1 Deniz Canel Çınarbaş 10:...
2021-2022 Academic Year Department of Psychology Student Advisors
PSY 2021-22 Fall Semester Courses and Formats
Attention: New Students!
An online event "Welcome to Us 2021" will be organized in order to introduce our university and our department to our students who have been entitled to register at our university in the 2021-2022...
About PSY 449 Health Psychology
PSY 449 Health Psychology course is offered only to fourth year psychology students.
RE: PSY 3490 Workshop in Social Psychology
There will be a limited number of spaces available for this course. In order to take the course, a student needs to attend the first meeting. The first meeting will be held online and in-class in a...
Attention: First Year Students!
ATTENTION: FIRST YEAR STUDENTS The non-departmental elective course from Philosophy will be offered in the SPRING Semester. So we RECOMMEND you to take another non-departmental elective this semester...
Curriculum Change Equivalence Table - Updated
Please click here to access the course equivalence chart that will be used in the transition period from the old curriculum to the new curriculum.
METU Psychology Department Open Days
/ Event
Aday öğrenciler, Tercih dönemi kapsamında bölüm tanıtımlarımıza ulaşmak için adresinden bölüm tanıtım konferanslarına erişebilir,...
Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists
You can click on the link to access the interview lists of Clinical Psychology graduate programs.
Developmental Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists
You can click on the link to access the interview lists of Developmental Psychology graduate programs. Candidates will be interviewed according to the order in the list via the meeting link sent to...
Traffic and Transportation Psychology Master's Degree Interviews
The list of candidates and the meeting link for the Traffic and Transportation Psychology Master's application interviews are as follows: CE*** GÖ*** AY** ÖR*** Topic: Trafik ve Ulaşım Psikolojisi...
About Graduate Applications
Master's and doctorate applications are currently under evaluation. As soon as the sub-fields complete their evaluation, they will share the necessary information with the candidates. Please follow...
Friday Seminars - 25/06/2021
/ Event
Dear Faculty members and students, This week on Friday seminars, we will be hosting Assoc.Prof.Dr. Hande Ilgaz from Bilkent University. The Presentation Title: "More than words: Change in...
Friday Seminars - 18/06/2021
/ Event
Dear Faculty members and students, This week on Friday seminars, we will be hosting Prof. Dr. Orçun Yorulmaz from Dokuz Eylül University. The Presentation Title: "Akıl Hastalıklarında Damgalama: OKB...
Friday Seminars - 11/06/2021
/ Event
Dear Faculty members and students, This week on Friday seminars, we will be hosting Asst. Prof. Burcu Tekeş from Başkent University. The Presentation Title: "The effect of implementation intention on...
Friday Seminars - 27/05/2021
/ Event
Dear Faculty members and students, This week on Friday seminars, we will be hosting Asst. Prof. Başar Demir from Akdeniz University. "Just another COVID-19 study: Investigating protective behaviors...
Add/Drop Registration Office Hours of Advisors
Please click to reach the add/drop registration office hours and places (links) of advisors.
About PSY 1410 and PSY 1010 (Non-Technical Elective)
Those of you who need to take this course as a non-technical elective: Please contact your own departments. The authorized users of your departments need to include these two courses within the list...
Syllabuses of PSY 1410 and PSY 1010
Please click on course code to view syllabuses of PSY 1010 and PSY 1410.
PSY 350 (Topics in Social Psychology) and PSY 456 (Applied Social Psychology)
PSY 350 and PSY 456 courses will be offered by Leman Korkmaz during the Spring 2020-21 semester. Until the procedures of her recruitment are finalized, they appear to be offered by other instructors...
Course Formats (synchronous or asynchronous?) and Registration Office Hours of Advisors (Updated)
Please click to view the formats (synchronous/asynchronous) of the courses offered for the spring semester. Please click to reach the registration office hours and places (links) of advisors....
Schedules & Curricula for 2020-2021 Spring Semester Registrations
Curriculum (old) - (valid for students in the program before 2020-21) Curriculum (new) - (valid for students who first registered on 2020-21 and after) Course Schedule for 2020-2021 Spring Semester
About PSY 470 Applied Health Psychology
You must have taken PSY 449 Health Psychology to enroll in PSY 470 Applied Health Psychology.
2020-2021 Spring Semester Graduate Applications
For 2020-2021 Spring semester, only Traffic and Transportation Psychology and Cognitive Psychology programs will receive new applications. Please indicate your preference as you apply to the Social...
You are Invited to the Psy-alumni E-mail List !
The e-mail list created for the METU Psychology alumni (undergraduate and graduate) is now active! Dear alumni! We'd like to keep in touch so now we have a new listserve to do that. The news &...
Seeking New Master/Ph.D. Students to Join Neuroscience Research
We are looking to admit up to 2 outstanding applicants to the Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Highly motivated (Turkish or International) Master/Ph.D....
Job Opportunities
The Department of Psychology invites applications for full-time open rank (2) positions in Clinical Psychology and (1) in Industrial and Organizational Psychology areas. Successful candidates...
2020-2021 Fall Semester's Course Schedules (Updated)
2020-2021 fall semester's course schedules were announced for undergraduate and graduate programs. (Updated 07.10.2020 - 12:25)
Social Psychology Master Program Interviews
Online interviews will be conducted on 28 September 2020 at 9:30 am. The applicants can click the link below to join the interviews.
Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists
Please click the links below to get interview lists of Clinical Psychology graduate programs. MSc. Interview List (30 September 2020) Post-Bachelor's Ph.D. Interview List (1 October 2020) Ph.D....
Seeking Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers to Join Neuroscience Research
You can get further information by clicking the links below: Master/Ph.D. Students Postdoctoral Researcher
About The Process of Receiving Diplomas
Our graduates can receive their diplomas from research assistant Gizem Fındık (office number 138), between 08: 30-12: 00 am and 14: 00-17: 00 pm on the dates written below. The Dates: 4, 6, 19 August
Psychology Department Online Preference Days
/ Event
Within the METU online preference days, the Department of Psychology will organize a presentation and question-answer event on July 27-28-29. The event will be held between 15.00 and 16.00 on the...
Department Presentation
/ Event
Online department presentation will be held on Friday, 10 July 2020 at 15:00. Click here for the live presentation.
YÖK 100/2000 Scholarship Evaluation Criteria
You can reach the YÖK 100/2000 Scholarship evaluation criteria by clicking the link below. Evaluation Criteria.
PSY100 ve PSY150 Empty Quotas
Empty quotas of PSY 100 and PSY 150 courses will be opened to all departments in add-drop week.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Graduate Interviews
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Graduate Interviews List (2020 Spring)
Developmental Psychology Ph.D. Interviews
Developmental Psychology Ph.D. Interview List
PSY 300 Internship Course Section List (Update 18.09.2019)
Click here to get PSY 300 Internship Course Section List. (Update 18.09.2019)
Social Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists (30.08.2019)
(30.08.2019) Please click the links below to get interview lists of Social Psychology graduate programs. MSc. Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists (27.08.2019)
(27.08.2019) Please click the links below to get interview lists of Clinical Psychology graduate programs. MSc. Ph.D.
Developmental Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists (27.08.2019)
(27.08.2019) Please click the links below to get interview lists of Developmental Psychology graduate programs. MSc. Ph.D.
Traffic and Transportation Psychology PhD. Interview List (26.08.2019)
(26.08.2019) Please click here to get Traffic and Transportation Psychology Ph.D. Program interview list.
Cognitive Psychology Graduate Programs Interview Lists (26.08.2019)
(26.08.2019) Please click the links below to get interview lists of Cognitive Psychology graduate programs. MSc. Ph.D.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhD. on BSc. Interview List (26.08.2019)
(26.08.2019) Please click here to get Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhD. on BSc. interview list.
Current Information About the Department
/ News
Please pay attention to ONLY THE WEB PAGE OF THE DEPARTMENT to access up-to-date information about the department. The pages you access from Google searches may lead you to old cached pages.
Graduate interview dates
/ News
Updated graduate interview dates, and classroom information are as listed below. All the listed classrooms are in the Social Sciences Building. Clinical Psychology (M.Sc.): 2 September 2019 10:30...
2018-2019 Eğitim Yılı Yaz Dönemi Genel Kullanım Laboratuvarları Başvuruları
/ News
Psikoloji Bölümü'nün Değerli Üyeleri, 2018 - 2019 Eğitim Öğrenim yılı Yaz Dönemi (1 Temmuz - 22 Eylül) bölümümüz ortak laboratuvarlarını [BZ-7, BZ-8C, B110 (3&4)] tez çalışmaları, proje ve...
Mezunlar Günü!
/ Event
Değerli Mezunlarımızı 29 Haziran Mezunlar Gününde, 14.00'te Beşeri Bilimler kantinine bekliyoruz. Ayrıca, 10, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50 ve 55. Mezuniyet yılı madalyalarını almak isteyen mezunlarımız buraya...
/ News
Please click to reach new academic staff recruitment.
2018 - 2019 Bahar Dönemi 8 Nisan- 30 Haziran Arası Genel Kullanım Laboratuvarları Talep Toplama
/ News
Değerli araştırmacılar, 2018 - 2019 bahar dönemi (8 Nisan- 30 Haziran arası) bölümümüz ortak laboratuvarlarını araştırmaları için kullanmak isteyenler en geç 29.03.2019 saat 23.59'a kadar https://...
100/2000 Doktora Öğrenci Alım Mülakatları
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2018-2019 Bahar dönemi 100/2000 YÖK doktora öğrenci alım mülakatları 27.02.2019 tarihinde 13.30'da B124 nolu odada (Bölüm Başkanlığı odası) yapılacaktır.
ODTÜ Psikoloji Bölümü ABD’larına Araştırma Görevlisi Alım Sınavı Yönergesi
/ News
ODTÜ Psikoloji Bölümü ABD'larına araştırma görevlisi alım sınavı yönergesine erişmek için tıklayınız. 09.00'da başlayacak olan sınava kimlik kontrollü giriş yapılacağı için adayların en geç 08.45'te...
Kayıp ve Yas Sürecinde Başetme
/ Event
18 Aralık 2018 Salı Günü saat 17:45'de U2 Amfisi'nde, Psikoloji Bölümü tarafından organize edilen ve Öğretim Üyesi Doç. Dr. Deniz Canel Çınarbaş'ın konuşmacı olarak katılacağı "Kayıp ve Yas Sürecinde...