Seda Merve Şahin
Biyografi |
B.S., Mersin University, 2016 |
Araştırma Alanları |
Self-regulation, emotional expression |
Konferans Sunumları |
Sümer, N., Tümer, B., Ergin, U., & Şahin, S.M. (2019). Dark Personality and Road Crashes: Mediating Role of Driver Vengeance and Violations. 2019 Driving Assessment Conference, New Mexico (Poster Presentation) Çoksan, S., Şahin, M. S., & Yıldız-Çoksan, S. (2019). Violent games and agression: Moderator role of parentel guidance. XVIth Europan Congress of Psychology, Moscow (Poster Sunum). Şahin, S.M. & Çoksan, S. (2017) The Relationship Between Attachment Style in Romantic Relationship, Love Type, Emotional Expression and Life Satisfaction. (Oral presentation). 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam. |